Junk Food Ads Have Made Channel One Fat With Profits

July 12, 2002

Since 1996, when Obligation began monitoring the show, Channel One has advertised high-sugar, high-fat, high-caffeine junk food and drink to schoolchildren.

Channel One has run contests that dangle $2 million in front of children to get them to eat more M&Ms. Candy bars, cupcakes, Twinkies and assorted junk food have been regular advertisers on Channel One over the years.

Pepsi, Mt. Dew, and Mug Root Beer have advertised each week since 1996 and probably before.

There is a real potential for school boards to be sued over this type of advertising. Study after study have come out further defining the obesity and diabetes crisis facing our children. Channel One is a part of the problem.

Jim Metrock said, “Channel One has spent 12 years undermining the healthy of America’s schoolchildren in order to stuff their bank accounts with advertising revenue. Channel One executives have gotten rich off of getting kids to eat more Twinkies and Snickers.”

“Soon the Channel One fat cats will be brought to account for their abuse of our children. It will be an exciting Fall for those who oppose the commercial exploitation of children.”

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