Littleton Turns Off Bus Radio

February 13, 2008

Littleton Public Schools have discontinued the use of Bus Radio.

That community owes big thanks to Danny Kenny.

Mr. Kenny drives an elementary school bus. He didn’t think Bus Radio should be playing the songs they were playing for his young riders. He was appalled to hear that Bus Radio promoted the raunchy TV sitcom Aliens In America. He spoke up in opposition to Bus Radio. He kept speaking up. School officials learned more about the company and they agreed to stop playing the program.

Bravo to Mr. Kenny.

One person can stand up to companies like Bus Radio.

Contact your local school and ask if they have entered into a deal with the controversial Bus Radio company. If they haven’t (and most school districts have not and will not), then thank them. If they have, tell them you would like them to immediately quit playing their radio program. Then begin organizing your community to support commercial-free buses. School boards make mistakes. School boards often don’t investigate things as well as they should. It’s up to the public to make sure their school boards never sell access to the community’s schoolchildren.

One person can make a huge difference in the lives of children.

Remember Danny Kenny.