Must have pulse. Conscience not necessary.

August 25, 2011

From: Jim Metrock

Channel One News is now putting out want ads to find a new “reporter” for their show.  With the departure of Steven Fabian they are down to three: Jessica Kumari, Shelby Holliday, and Justin Finch.

At one time Channel One News was a stepping stone to employment with a legitimate news gathering organizations. That day is long gone.  A person thinking about taking a risk and applying for this Channel One position should check out the new job of the guy who just left that position.  Mr. Fabian did not land a job with a big league news organization, but with a start-up called Right This Minute, a long-shot syndication gamble.

Channel One News is a dead brand. It will be increasing difficult for them to attract people to their company. 

Earlier this summer, Channel One was looking for a vice president of sales. I have no idea if they found anyone to fill that prestigious job.  (June 22, 2011 Applicant must be desperate and familiar with exploiting schoolchildren.)

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