
December 11, 2004

Ken McNatt has done a content analysis of 25 episodes of Channel One News. We have included his observations along with a link to his web site for the full story.

“The breakdown for the first 25 episodes can be summed up as follows:
– About 12.25 minutes per episode
– A little over 7.25 minutes of news coverage. This does not necessarily mean HARD NEWS
– About 2.50 minutes of advertisements. (There should not be any more than 2 minutes of ads in ANY episode according to the Channel One contract, but they were AVERAGING about 2.5 minutes through 25 episodes.) – Roughly 2.50 min for intros and filler.”

Check out the rest of this article at

Note: Ken is evaluating the video feed Channel One puts on their web site. Channel One News does not show the public the entire Channel One show on their web site. They cut off the beginning of the show and the ending. Children are actually seeing more advertising and “filler” content than is being reported by Mr. McNatt. We urge Channel One News to stop putting edited shows on the web. They need to show the public what the children are being shown – every second of it. As it stands there is at least 30 seconds of the show that is kept from the public.

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