I Heard My Name! I Heard My Name!

April 16, 2008

Listen to these BusRadio “shout outs.”

Q: What do they have in common?

BusRadio Shout Outs (April 2008)

A: A bus driver is involved. When a student asks the BusRadio DJ to “Shout Out” the name of the bus driver, it is fairly safe to assume that the driver can hear the BusRadio program. He or she is probably told by the students that his or her name may be hear on the radio soon. Bus safety experts have urged schools to move speakers away from drivers so they won’t be distracted. There have been two significant bus accidents were a train hit a school bus and a loud radio was a contributing factor in the driver not being aware of the oncoming train. All pupil transportation directors know of these two accidents because they helped change school bus transportation rules.

If you listen all the way through you will even hear two bus drivers calling BusRadio. We don’t know if they were driving at the time but even if they were not, this shows drivers are used to interacting with BusRadio’s two goofy DJs.

BusRadio’s two goofball DJs Matthew xxxxxx and Lucia xxxxxxx.

Don’t let anyone tell you BusRadio is not a potential distraction for school bus drivers.