Cartoon Network Ads

November 16, 2009


MilkMedia wants potential advertisers to know how effective ads are on the side of school milk cartons.

Here they talk about the Cartoon Network and how they used MilkMedia’s access to kids to their advantage.

The simple truth is children are going to drink milk and contrary to what MilkMedia says these ads don’t make them drink more milk. Why? Children can’t see them.

"Kids were spotted sorting through the dairy case to pick out their favorite heroes!" School cafeteria’s usually have dairy cases that open at the top.. One looks DOWN into the dairy case. Children see the tops of the milk cartons but the sides are mostly hidden. MilkMedia would have us believe the pro-milk messages on the sides of milk cartons change behavior. The truth is a child has chosen to drink milk before they see the side advertising. If there is a collection of some sort, then it makes sense they may sort through the cartons.

There are of course dairy cases that have shelves but that still does not expose the cartoon characters to the potential milk consumer. These ads are meant to affect children’s TV viewingand purchasing habits, not their milk drinking habits.

MilkMedia’s own words:
"MilkMedia distributes a staggering 3.7 BILLION milk cartons per year into over 73,000 schools! We guarantee one impression per carton, but research has shown that each carton generates between 6 and 12 impressions during an incredible 20-30 minutes of lunchroom exposure time."

MilkMedia is primarily about advertising to children. They use "drink more milk" wording to get a pass into the school. That used to work. It won’t work from now on.

There is no place for an advertising/marketing company like MilkMedia in a school cafeteria.