Channel One News Airs Torture Commercial For Preteens

February 7, 2010

Channel One News is controversial for forcing secondary school students to watch commercials during their school day. This ad is one of the strangest and  ugliest.  It shows a man being experimented on by a sinister doctor. Children as young as ten were compelled to watch this commercial showing a man being tortured. What “experiment” is the doctor going to do with the glove on his hand?

Why is this required viewing at school?

Schools have no say-so over what commercials are shown. Channel One makes that decision. BTW is owned by the company that owns Channel One: Alloy Media and Marketing. As Alloy’s full corporate name gives away, Alloy’s website is all about marketing and obtaining personal information from young people than it is about helping students find college money. Take a tour of this advertised website and you’ll be shocked at how they squeeze young people for information which they will later sell to other companies or online colleges.

Actual commercial on Channel One News.