Obligation ramps up website, adds mobile version.

January 7, 2012

From Jim Metrock:

We have redesigned Obligation.org to make it easier to find articles, videos and PDFs. This time of year is when schools begin talking about ending their contracts with Channel One. School boards often vote in the spring time to remove the program over the upcoming summer months. Making our website more accessible will aid those who want to support the concept of commercial-free classrooms.

A streamlined, mobile version of Obligation.org is now available for those who use their cell phones to read about the latest outrage from Channel One. Below is a sample of the mobile display.

Parents and others who advocate for commercial-free classrooms can use the new mobile version of Obligation.org to actively engage principals, superintendents, and school board members in discussing the removal of Channel One from classrooms.  Think of it: A parent asks a principal if he or she can name anything that is advertised on Channel One. The principal has no idea, but defends their use of the program. Then the parent brings out the smart phone and says, “This is a commercial you made my child watch last week.”  The parent easily pulls up a video of a violent PG-13 movie ad on Obligation’s mobile site and hands it to the principal. The principal might say, “I had no idea we were urging students to see certain movies.” The parent then says, “Let me show you the National Teachers of English resolution urging schools to remove Channel One.” The principal doesn’t stand a chance.

There is so much a parent or teacher can do with the new mobile version of our site.

A view of the mobile version of Obligation's website.




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