Channel One News pitches Red Bull and violent video games to middle schoolers

March 22, 2012

Channel One News places the Red Bull logo on its thumbnail picture for the Red Bull video game story.


From Jim Metrock:

Red Bull is an “energy drink” that has been the  target of criticism concerning the possible health risks associated with the caffeine and sugar drink.

Channel One News is once again giving the drink some marketing time in American classrooms.  Channel One doesn’t run a commercial for Red Bull, but they combine the promotion of the brand into a “news” story. It’s much more than simple product placement since the Channel One reporter goes out of her way to say “Red Bull” and the producer makes sure the logo is seen several times.

Previous Red Bull promotion on Channel One News: 

Feb. 2, 2011 –How Channel One News cleverly advertises Redbull energy drink to middle school students.

Feb. 14, 2011 Channel One asked to end energy drink promotions. 
Watch the story below and see how unbalanced the story is when it comes to violent video games. Yes, they mention that some people think playing violent video games can have a bad influence on kids, but the overwhelming message is violent video games are OK. Indeed, Channel One News shows scene after scene of this first-person shooter game – in high school and middle school classrooms and very possibly in elementary schools through their partnership with Promethean.
It’s not a surprise that Channel One News would have no problem showing students scenes from these violent games. After all, Channel One is owned by Alloy Media and Marketing and Alloy is owned by ZelnickMedia known for its ultra-violent Grand Thief Auto games.
When you think about it. It all makes sense.

Hey kids, here's a teenager wearing a Red Bull tee shirt. Red Bull is for teens! (and preteens!)

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